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Tag, I’m It?

Hey there Sunflowers!

So….I’ve received my first tag in Blogland. GP over at Gorgeous Puddin’s Ponderings awarded me the Blog on Fire Award and tagged me – thanks lady! Here’s how it works (I think…LOL)

Rules for Tagged:

  1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
  3. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  4. Go to their blog and tell them that you’ve tagged them.

Rules for Blog on Fire:

Reveal 7 things about yourself. Pass the award onto 10 other deserving bloggers.

My reveal/random combo:

  1. I don’t like chocolate.
  2. Should I ever find myself in the position to not have to support myself with a reasonable wage, I will blissfully return to being a preschool teacher 😀
  3. My fiance and I are so very different, yet he is so very perfect for me ♥
  4. I have very high professional email standards; email etiquette anyone?
  5. I am the world’s greatest plus-size swimmer… really.
  6. Recent epiphany: growing up all I wanted to do was be “famous”,  instead God surrounded me just enough famous folks to show me that fame is not for me 🙂
  7. I have an extremely irrational fear of ——————————–>mice and rats, so much so that I almost had to get someone else to type this *shudders*.
  8. I am seriously contemplating auditioning for The Amazing Race (given #5, I’m a shoe-in right?).
  9. I have several close friends that I met online  – love y’all.

GP’s Questions:

1. Are you currently doing what you want to do in life? Professionally, not really but best believe I’m making moves. Personally, yes!

2. What is your absolute favorite way to have fun? Spending time with family and friends.

3. How many siblings do you have and what birth order are you? I have two sisters, I am in the middle.

4. What’s your fantasy car? I’m driving it….BMW fo’ life!

5. Where is the last place you vacationed? Atlanta for a family reunion in Aug 2010 (so sad, but I’ll be making up for that this year).

6. Do you wear jewelry and do you prefer gold or silver? Yep, silver all day, every day.

7. What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten? Cannelloni de Langosta, “7 Portes” at Columbia Restaurant in Tampa, FL. ” Tender cannelloni pasta filled with Maine lobster meat, shrimp, pan-seared scallops and sautéed shallots blended with a lobster sherry cream reduction, smothered with a lobster sherry, Mornay cheese sauce and pieces of lobster.” O.M.G.

8. What colors is your bathroom decorated with? Chocolate and turquoise

9. How often do you exercise? Not nearly as much as I should :-/

10. Do you want children? If you have children do you want more? Yes, I want children. None yet.

11. What is your least favorite food? If you had to eat it for 1 month for a million dollars could you? Chocolate, yes.

Whew….that was a lot. Now, it’s my turn to tag.

Tag, you’re it:

Here are my questions:

  1. What is your dream job?
  2. Why do you blog?
  3. Are you most like Pooh, Tigger or Piglet?
  4. What would you tell your 18 yo self?
  5. What vacation destination are you most looking forward to?
  6. How often do you wear make-up?
  7. At what time of the day were you born?
  8. Do you commute to work? If so, do you carpool, drive, walk or use transit?
  9. Would you rather be hot or cold?
  10. How do you feel about being “tagged”?

Have you ever been tagged?  Did you read all of this? Leave your sunshine below.

Comments on: "Tag, I’m It?" (14)

  1. Oh wow – never been “tagged” before….will definitely follow suit! just confused whether I need to post seven random things or eleven?

  2. I have never been tagged before either. I’m looking forward to responding.
    I wish I could have had more to get to know you when we met. I would have loved to take a swimming lessons with you.
    Fellow BMW driver here…love it!
    And I wish that I hated chocolate. It would have saved me a few pounds, but just a few. I can’t blame all of this sunshine on the chocolate!

  3. We actually ate at the Columbia Restaurant in Tampa while vacationing back in August. It was the I blogged about how good that food was ! We drove down from Orlando tour all the Cigar factories & such.

    Thanks for the tag. I was needing a blogging idea for the week. LOL

  4. YAY!! I’m glad you participated!! You learn a lot and get introduced to new blogs. It’s a win win! It was confusing for me too because I was Tagged and Awarded at the same time which doesn’t normally happen. I just shared the lurve! LOL!

    WOW! I cannot believe you don’t like chocolate. 😦 BMW is my favorite car too, although my head has been recently turned by an Infiniti. 🙂

  5. […] of the blogosphere now as I’ve been awarded/tagged with the Blog on Fire Award by May over at I Choose the Sun. Woot! The duties that come with the award, and I do choose to accept them, […]

  6. innerdiva said:

    Ooh, I feel like we could be related or something with your randoms! Wanna be my e-cousin? I don’t like chocolate either. I HATE furry things (even coats). Oh, and my bedroom is chocolate and turquoise.

  7. Dear lawd Trip! That meal sounds HEAVENLY!! You know I’m so on board with the Amazing Race dream. Oh great swim swami, I’m gonna need a lesson or ten. I’m not scared of the water, but I surely can’t swim.

  8. Just saw that I was tagged and answered the call. Thanks ichoosethsun.

Leave your sunshine below.